Cages - Dog and Cat Transport Boxes

Collection: Cages - Dog and Cat Transport Boxes

For car rides and transport to the vet, Pet-astero offers a wide variety of dog and cat transport boxes (CFTs) . Some are approved for air transport, but we recommend double-checking the product specifications and requirements of your preferred airline.

If your pet is a restless traveler, transport boxes are the solution! They provide a sense of safety, comfort and protection while travelling.

Get a carrier that your dog or cat can easily stand up, turn around and lie down in.

While ideal for travel, these safe spaces are also useful for home training. It teaches your pet to isolate and if used correctly can help with toilet training.

In this category you will find everything you need for traveling by boat, car, plane and bicycle !

Petastero has the largest selection of dog and cat carriers .

We will be happy to serve you directly by phone at 210-277.88.18