Carrier Bags - Cat and Dog Backpacks

Collection: Carrier Bags - Cat and Dog Backpacks

For trips, excursions, coffee walks or any other occasion where you need a safe and protected space for your dog or cat, carrier bags are the solution!

Pet carrier bags are one of the most convenient dog and cat carriers as they offer not only safety but also peace of mind when moving. It is the best choice for all animals! At Petastero you will find a wide variety of sizes, designs and styles.

Find backpack style carry bags for comfortable walking and hands free.

Dog carrier bags , dog carriers and cat carrier bags. Closed bags for cats that offer peace of mind to your cat as well as comfortable pouches with the possibility of sticking out your dog's legs!

Find them all here .

Petastero has the largest selection of dog and cat carriers . Find what suits you.

For any information we will be happy to serve you directly by phone at 210-277.88.18